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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Mr Ndori Justine
coordinator Rwanda
A Man who is dedicated
to promote AZCM in that
Nation. He is really of great
blessing to the Project.

McMillan with his little ones in Kigali Rwanda
Some times it may be very difficult to Discover where
the need is until when you move out in search for solution
to the need.

AZCM RWANDA( Children Profiles)

Click on the photo to view Children Profiles
Please lets help these Orphans, the need is great in these nations

Monday, October 25, 2010

AZCM Widows and Widowers welcomes Pastor Cathryn and Minister Helen

Click here for more photos

Happy Generation= Promissing Future

What excites a child in Africa it's not A CAR but to see her self in school!
The campaign of redeeming this generation requires our involvement in helping them out with in our means.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

This time it's the Provision we consider to be the limit not the sky!

Some times what we consider small, isn't actually small to Some ONE in NEED!

When you have much, Thank God but also Remember those who are begging for Bread

AZCM Operates in rural Uganda and Rwanda, where we spend our time with Widows, Orphans and other Vulnerable Children, one where we don't have electricity or running water. But that's not what I love about our Lives these countries . We get to share life with 200 orphans and a community of amazing people.
Some of the people in my world daily deal with the challenges of being HIV+. Everyone is poor, according to African standards. But they're amazing people from whom we learn a lot.

I live to make a difference in the lives of others. I believe I can do so through sharing the hope we have in Christ

AZCM Kids presenting wonderful songs to Pastor Cathryn & The team who is one of the Board Member.

The kids says they will walk with angels in Jerusalem
I don't know about you!

who is to blame?

We found this Lady in Nagalama Hospital,She had given Birth to twins and the Husband abandoned her while still on the hospital Bed and the Doctors retained her for 3 months on the basis that she had to clear her bills before she gets discharged! To my view it's crazy!
This is why AZCM exist to be of help towards such people in our communities - If some body doesn't care then We're accountable!
a Big thank you to Pastor Cathryn and Minister Helen for Job well done.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Mr Micheal has blessed LUF with 100 US dollars which we have used to pay tuition for 4 orphans GOD RICHLY BLESS YOU Brother

Suman Kaafuko, 07-02-2003,Orphan, 7in th family. Nursery, Nakibu Betty,Orphan,26th-11-2003,Nursery,2 in the family, Edith Nasali, Orphan,20th-10-2001,Primary 3, Matiya Ibwaga, 06-06-2000, 7 in the family, Orphan, primary two,

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Papa Daniel P Trouten
(co- founder, US Director)
This is the person behind all the website designing (Webmaster) 

Thanks papa for the great work done!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

VISITING TEAM ON 29th April - May 10th 2010 Team leader Pastor Mae Baak


When Poverty Grips, Clothes are worn until they disintegrates!! This is one of the Orphans in Kateete.


Emmanuel McMillan is the founder of Love Uganda Foundation.
Emmanuel lived a life of misery in his childhood. Having a meal, education, clothing, medical care and other basic necessities was a a desire hardly achieved . His parents, just like all other parents of impoverished homes, could not afford to provide his sisters and brothers with the essentials to live a full life.
Amidst suffering, their family still had to take care of orphans left behind by the relatives who succumbed to AIDS or natural disasters. Fortunately, God extended the unexpected hand of sponsorship to the Ssekirime family which gave them the golden opportunity to make academic progress in different fields. God enabled McMillan to obtain theology degree from different countries (Uganda, Kenya & Botswana) and to study Business Administration at Makerere University.

Their parents, Robina and Samuel Ssekirime, who were also co partners with Love Uganda Foundation, always shared the little food, clothes and other necessities with the neighboring families that lived in similar conditions. This has turned out to be a family calling because God supernaturally intervened in the midst of a family crisis when they stopped focusing on the little they had and went forth helping those in need.

Due to the great number of orphans, other vulnerable children and widows as a result of HIV/AIDS scourges and natural disasters, we were propelled to increase the numbers of children under our care to 60 with the little we have.
In 2008, as a sponsored Bible scholar in Botswana, Emmanuel McMillan wondered how he could pay back one of his sponsors Andrew McMillan for the great work he had done in his life. When asked, to his surprise, Andrew replied: “DO TO OTHERS WHAT HAS BEEN DONE UNTO YOU!” This was just a confirmation of what had already started a few years back. When Emmanuel returned to Uganda in 2009, this then led to the formation of a sponsorship project which has reached out to 300 children even though very few have sponsors.
Through our prayer partners, Kelly and Calvin, God spoke to us that we should stop calling his children orphans because we are raising ambassadors of His kingdom who will pass on a long lasting blessing to other generations. We then became AMBASSADORS OF ZION CHILDREN MISSION in Rwanda and Uganda.

We now have a couple of different project entities: AZCM Orphans Help Uganda and Rwanda, AZCM Uganda tours (Adventure in the Pearl of Africa) and AZCM  Farmers Association (to enhance the sponsorship of children and widows  under our program).

This ministry has been blessed with divine connections of men and women who are co-founding members: Mr. Daniel P Trouten( webmaster) Mr & Mrs. Louis Washington, Mr & Mrs Menno Menninga and other AZCM family - a people with the same passion to transform the lives of widows, orphans and other vulnerable children into God’s Ambassadors who will be a blessing in our nations.

AZCM welcomes partners who wish to participate in empowering widows, orphans and vulnerable children. We want to help them acquire shelter, education, medical care, food, clothing and other life necessities to turn them into successful men and women who will be a blessing to the future generations.
It's said "What you hate is what you born to change" i hate to see little children denied right to education and begging for Bread!

Pastor Menno from France Encourages the Widows Widowers in Kateete

PS Menno ministers to the Widows and Widowers he encouraged them to stay strong in the Lord they are in the plan of God he reminded them of a Bible Story when God sent Prophet Elijah to be feed by a Widows! He was the First Person to bless us with 700 EUROES - we used to cultivate Maize which we're going to use to feed the children and the Widows- part of it was used to buy a piece of Land


-God richly bless you.


Mrs Caralee and PS Moses offers bracelets to all Orphans and OVC

Pastor Mae from Australia Having Fun With the Children

Calvin & Kelly
Together we Birthed the name "Ambassadors of Zion Children Mission"
through Prayer. Co- Founders
they have done tremendous work of praying for the project and
getting people involved in this exercise!. We're sure one day
the dream of AZCM will become a reality in the lives of many
Widows and Orphans both in Uganda and Rwanda

Friday, April 23, 2010

Pastor Louis & Min Semira
Co-Founders Ambassadors of Zion Children Mission
Papa has been of great blessing to AZCM
He has also inspired my life
The Man who taught me FAITH which is the
foundation of the organization.
Part of the Widows and Orphans Under AZ Children Mission Program
in a Group photo
@ Kalagi Project Center

Pastor E.McMillan K Ssekirime

of Ambassadors of Zion
Children Mission.
If your heart is right towards God
he will link you
to people you have to know!
people to usher you
to your heritage.

Orphans face very tough storms but as we help them we all share in God's miracles and blessings and it is the same for the sick and disabled. It is not God cursing but God challenging our faith and with Jesus we will see miracles and blessings

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Mr Makanga Samuel
Programs Director

Co-Founder AZ Children Mission,
Very creative, Aggressive &
Supportive in this Project
Be Blessed Brother.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Mzee wa kazi
Pastor Samuel and Ev Robinah Ssekirime
co-Founders AZ-Children Mission
Kalagi and Kateete project directors
both are instrumentalists towards AZCM
Long live

Friday, April 16, 2010

Juliette a Visitor from Canada with the Orphans under AZCM Kalagi Project Center

If this old widow can smile over a jack fruit, how much more
can she smile when you bless her with 5- 10 kgs of RICE and Beans?
When you reach this age- Food and good accommodation becomes a priority!
Can you please Donate towards the feeding of the old age category under
Ambassadors of Zion Children Mission? You and i know that as much as the young
need care so it is to the old!

Food is good but not enough for a child's Future
Together we can join hands to offer Education for
theses Orphans.

Daddy Andrew McMillan

The Man who is a reason to this!
When i was no body he recognized me and invested all his resources
to make me a blessing!
In 2008 as a sponsored Bible scholar in Botswana,Kenyan, and Uganda McMillan wondered how he could pay back to one of his sponsors Daddy Andrew McMillan for the great Work he had done in the transformation of his life from nobody to somebody- to his surprise when asked Daddy Andrew replied “DO TO OTHERS WHAT HAS BEEN DONE UNTO YOU!” Hence the Birth of AZCM.

Divine links for AZCM in Australia

Mr & Mrs ScottandCass Matheson
(Co-founders- Australian Directors) Ambassadors of Zion Children Mission . Thanks for your Support.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

what next ?

The creativity spirit is one of the most powerful driving forces in human history. Creativity in the arts can inspire new insights and understanding for generations. Inventive creativity has helped transform our society time and time again, helping to make life better for countless lives. Creativity helps bring meaning to one’s life through unique self-expression. When focused on uplifting humanity, Creativity can help to create a more peaceful, just and sustainable world. How will you use your creativity to help create a better world? One of the challenges for Aids in Uganda is that there are no natural advocates for victims! If you are infected you become an advocate for treatment, family members and church become advocates for treatment. For these long term preventions they are not the same type of natural constituencies. So having people help us, call on politicians and leaders to continue to support this effort through AZ-children Mission is Absolutely Critical.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Great Mission-our call

If i tell the needs of orphans and other vulnerable children plus widows in our poor communities both in Uganda and Rwanda, can you help?
proverbs 28:27
He that giveth unto the poor shall not lack

together we can make a difference


To have a society were all vulnerable children live a fully desirable life

AZCM is dedicated and focused on empowering the desired quality life of the orphans and other vulnerable children in the society

To impact 2000 orphans and other vulnerable children with means to salvage them from challenges of vulnerability in five years( 2010-2015 )

Empowering of lives
Rebuilding communities
Love& care for all children
Respecting, integrity for all

To help 400 children both orphans and the vulnerable annually to access quality education done in succession.

To empower 1000 children in the community per year with life skills that can help them discover their abilities to overcome challenges of vulnerability .

To provide shelter and adequate care to 100 homeless orphans and other vulnerable children per year.

To provide sufficient quantities of quality food for 500 orphans and other vulnerable children’s household throughout the year.

To empower 100 orphans and other vulnerable children a year with awareness and skills to enable them reduce the problem of Malaria, HIV/AIDS, STDS/STI plus water born diseases in their homesteads.

To set up viable income generating projects that can boost project mission.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010