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Monday, October 25, 2010

AZCM Widows and Widowers welcomes Pastor Cathryn and Minister Helen

Click here for more photos

Happy Generation= Promissing Future

What excites a child in Africa it's not A CAR but to see her self in school!
The campaign of redeeming this generation requires our involvement in helping them out with in our means.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

This time it's the Provision we consider to be the limit not the sky!

Some times what we consider small, isn't actually small to Some ONE in NEED!

When you have much, Thank God but also Remember those who are begging for Bread

AZCM Operates in rural Uganda and Rwanda, where we spend our time with Widows, Orphans and other Vulnerable Children, one where we don't have electricity or running water. But that's not what I love about our Lives these countries . We get to share life with 200 orphans and a community of amazing people.
Some of the people in my world daily deal with the challenges of being HIV+. Everyone is poor, according to African standards. But they're amazing people from whom we learn a lot.

I live to make a difference in the lives of others. I believe I can do so through sharing the hope we have in Christ

AZCM Kids presenting wonderful songs to Pastor Cathryn & The team who is one of the Board Member.

The kids says they will walk with angels in Jerusalem
I don't know about you!

who is to blame?

We found this Lady in Nagalama Hospital,She had given Birth to twins and the Husband abandoned her while still on the hospital Bed and the Doctors retained her for 3 months on the basis that she had to clear her bills before she gets discharged! To my view it's crazy!
This is why AZCM exist to be of help towards such people in our communities - If some body doesn't care then We're accountable!
a Big thank you to Pastor Cathryn and Minister Helen for Job well done.