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Friday, February 11, 2011

Can Houseflies destroy familes in Africa?

 Once upon a time there lived a man and his wife in Rwanda, they had 4 children, two girls and two boys and it was a happy family, One morning two of their children became very with diarrhea and their parents were worried they gave them some local medicine but the children were not getting any better.

After some time the Parents decided to take them to the hospital they a very nice nurse who examined the children, When the medical results came the nurse told the family that children were suffering from a disease spread by houseflies. But how does this happen? Asked the mother, The nurse explained to the family that when houseflies fly in and out of the dirty uncovered latrines, they carry with them feces on their legs and they land on our uncovered food. the nurse continued to explain that when one eats the food where these houseflies landed they also swallow the germs that flies left on that food and this makes one sick with diseases like diarrhea.

Very shocked the parents asked what they could do to prevent the other family members from getting infected with the disease that was almost killing the two children
The nurse told them that as a family they need to keep their toilet clean and Covered They need to cover their food and juice to prevent the food from getting exposed to flies that have germs that spoil their food and makes everyone sick.

They thanked the Nurse for the very helpful information. When they went home they started practicing what the Nurse told them and it became a healthy and happy family again.

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