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Thursday, February 3, 2011

Not only will you visit Love Uganda Foundation when you come but there more beautiful places to tour! read about our National Parks & Game Reserves

Lying in the south west of the country, 414 kms from Kampala, on the border with The Congo, the park covers an area of over 330 sq kms. As the name dictates - this park real African jungle area, with dense undergrowth, vines and a wide variety of flowers and aphrodisiac plants.
Most visitors come to the park to catch a glimpse of the Mountain Gorillas, but the park is home to over 120 species of mammals, including chimpanzees, black & white colobus, blue monkey, bushpig, duiker, leopard, jackal and elephants in the south east of the park. There are also over 350 species of bird , 202 species of butterflies and over 200 species of trees found within the park

A 4 wheel drive vehicle is recommended to get around the park. Gorilla tracking is limited to small groups and it's advisable to book well in advance of your intended visit. Bookings can be made through most tour operators or directly with the Uganda Wildlife Authority

Kibale Forest N P -

Located in western Uganda, covering an area of over 760 sq kms, Kibale Forest National Park lies 35 kms south of Fort Portal and adjoins with Queen Elizabeth National Park.

Kibale is the perfect place to experience the the true diversity of wildlife and flora found in a tropical rainforest. The park contains the largest population of forest elephants found in Uganda but they are rarely sighted. Rich in wildlife and particularly noted for is primate population, of 11 different species, including the red-tailed money, blue monkey, olive baboon, chimpanzee, black, white and red colobus and white cheeked mangabey. Other mammals found are bushbuck, red and blue duiker, Uganda kob, Scaly-tailed flying squirrel, tree pangloin, buffalo, waterbuck and hippo as well as a large number of birds.

A 4 wheel drive vehicles is highly recommended particularly during the rainy season.

Kipedo Valley N P
Located in the extreme North of the country bordering with Sudan and Kenya, Kipedo Valley National Park covers an area of 1,344 Due to it's remote location this park is less visited, but it has the most spectacular scenery of mountains and vast savannah landscapes.

The park is home to the Karimojong pastoralists. Animal species found in the region include; giraffe, ostrich, elephant, cheetah, leopard, kudu, zebra, buffalo, amongst others.

It is 840km from Kampala and although the journey can be tough, taking up to two days, the diverse landscape past makes the journey worthwhile. There is also a light aircraft airstrip at Akopa

At times of unrest in Sudan, the north section of the park is closed.
Lake Mburo National Park covers an area of 260 sq km and is located 420kms south west of Kampala. It is one of the more popular parks, due to its relatively close location to Kampala, being particularly busy with city weekend visitors.

The landscape consists mainly of savannah and the area contains four lakes. The open valleys on the western side of the game offer the best game viewing opportunities, with large herds of elephants and buffalo roaming the land. Other wildlife encountered include; leopard, hyena hippo and a large variety of antelope including the rare Impala. It is the perfect destination for ornithologists, a huge variety of birds are found within the park particularly round the lakes, including Bronze-tailed starling, Marabour stork, Crowned Crane and bee-eaters.

Boats are available for hire on the Lake Mburo Swamp from the Park Office in Rwonyo

Mgahinga Gorilla N P Uganda's smallest park, covering an area of just 34 sq kms, located on the south western tip of the country on the border with Congo (Zaire) and Rwanda, 510km from Kampala.

Mgahinga is the second home to one of the last remaining habitats of the mountain gorilla found on the slopes of the Virunga Mountains. Access to visit the gorillas is strictly controlled , with only small groups being allowed at any one time and always accompanied by a ranger. Booking to see the gorillas must be made well in advance. Other wildlife found in the park include bushbuck, elephant, leopard, aardvark, honey badger. jackal and a wealth of birdlife.

Three extinct volcanos rise within the park, Mt. Muhuvura, Mt. Gahinga and Mt Sabinyo. The peak of Muhavura has a small crater lake and is the highest point in the park rising to 4,127 metres. A selection of Volcano Tours is available from

Mt Rwenzori N
Lying along the western border of Uganda and covering an area of over 995 sq kms, named "Mountains of the Moon" for its mist-shrouded, snow-capped peaks.

The mountain range has six peaks, carrying permanent snow and glaciers and offering spectacular scenery. In the centre of the range is Africa's third highest mountain, Mt. Margherita reaching a height of 5,109 mtrs. This is an excellent destination for keen hikers and climbers, although the higher slopes are demanding and require some mountaineering skills. The best time of the year for hiking is during the dry seasons from mid December to end of March and from June to mid August.

Wildlife encountered in this park includes, elephant, genet, Vervet Monkey, Rwenzori Colobus, Chimpanzee and Duiker.

Kamungha Guest House is located in Kazingo Trading Centre approx 12.5 kms from Fort Portal, on the foothills of the National Park.

Mt Elgon N P

Lying 256 kms north east of Kampala, bordering with Kenya in eastern Uganda, Mt. Elgon covers an area of 1155 sq. kms.

If offers a diverse variety of scenery, vegetation and cultures. Mt. Elgon is an extinct volcano with a gradual slopes to the crater rim, lying at 4,321 metres above seal level. Mountaineering skills are not required. The whole region is excellent for hikers and climbers, with caves, rock painting, gorges, waterfalls providing excellent scenery. Sipi Falls, at the foothills of the mountain is a favourite destination.

The parks has a variety of small game including, duiker, hyena, leopard, chimpanzee, buffalo and elephant and numerous species of birdlife.
Murchison Falls National Park

The largest park in Uganda covering on area of over 3,840 sq kms, Murchinson Falls park is also one of the most famous for its scenic beauty, magnificent falls and high concentration of game. It is situated approximately 350 kms north west of Kampala.

The mighty Nile river divides the park into the north and south sections with the spectacular Murchinson Falls dropping some 40 meters through a narrow crevice. The river attract large numbers of game, and a boat ride up the river provides the perfect opportunity to see and photograph the animals. Wildlife viewed in this park include elephant, giraffe, hippo, lion, leopard, buffalo, Nile crocodile, monkeys, and over 450 species of birds. including the magnificent shoebill stork.

There are plenty of activities in the park including river trips. game drives, forest walks, fishing and bird watching.

The park has two light aircraft airstrips operating air charter services from Kampala.

Queen Elizabeth N P

The park covers and area of almost 2,000 sq kms and lies between the Rwenzori Mountains to the east and Lake Edward to the west., approx 470kms from Kampala.

This parks wildlife once suffered from heavy poaching, but recent conservation efforts have restored much of the game and it now claims to be one of the best places on the continent to see high concentrations of hippo. Other animals found are elephant, buffalo, Uganda kob, variety of antelope, baboons and chimpanzees and the famous tree-climbing lion. There are also over 500 different specifies of bird making it a excellent destination for ornithologists.

A boat trip along the Kazinga channel between Lake George and Edward is a rewarding methods of game viewing. The best time of the year to visit the park is just after the rains, between October and November and March and April when high concentrations of animals roam the whole area.

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